Monday, February 8, 2010

Jack London


I learned that Jack London was married to times and both of the girls were kind of funny looking. I know that might sound mean, but it's true. He was an author, and he wrote the book "Call Of The Wild." Our class is about to read that book, and I am kind of excited to be honest, because people has told me that it is a good book. We got to look at a bunch of pictures, and he owned a boat!! That right there is the bomb diggety, I wish I could own a boat. He also has two kids, I want to get two kids when I get older. Well, thats kind of random, but oh well. Any way, COMMENT!!!


  1. Good job! My aunt & uncle own a boat! I'm excited too!

  2. His wives were kind of weird looking but it was a different time period.
